Sleipnir | The Eight Legged Horse Of Odin

By Erik Solbakk 1 comment

Sleipnir | The Eight Legged Horse Of Odin

The 8-legged horse of Norse mythology, Sleipnir is a celebrated creature in Norse legends. Apart from being Odin's prized steed, Sleipnir is also the feathered guardian of the Norse World Tree called Yggdrasil. All throughout history, Sleipnir has remained as one of the symbols of mystery and legend. So where did this mythical creature come from, who was his creator? Why is a very important figure in Norse mythology? And what were the magical components that made up this extraordinary being?


How did Odin get Sleipnir?

Loki, who is a trickster god and a shape-shifter, is responsible for creating this horse. Loki first transformed himself into a mare and let himself be caught by a giant named Svadilfari. Sleipnir was the offspring of this union.

The gods were so delighted with his strength and beauty that they gave him to Odin, their king. Odin was so delighted with this gift that he declared that no one else should own such a wonderful horse as Sleipnir. He also declared that anyone who tried to steal Sleipnir would be punished severely.


Why does Sleipnir have 8 legs?

Sleipnir has eight legs because the gods needed a horse that would ride through the sky and across the land. They also needed a horse that would be able to climb mountains and swim oceans.

The eight legs are symbolic of Sleipnir's power and strength. The horse is known as the fastest steed in all of Norse mythology, and its speed comes from having many legs to run on at once.

Sleipnir could also climb mountains because it had four legs on each side of its body, giving it an even distribution of weight when climbing up steep inclines. In addition, his tail was said to be so strong that he could use it as an anchor when crossing rivers or oceans.


What powers does Sleipnir have?

Sleipnir had the ability to travel between worlds, including Asgard and Midgard (Earth). This allowed Odin to travel from one realm to another without having to go through Helheim first.

Sleipnir was very intelligent and could understand human speech. This allowed Odin to speak with Sleipnir telepathically and also gave him the ability to speak in front of others without anyone knowing he was actually speaking to his horse.

What color was Sleipnir?

When searching for answers to the question of what color Sleipnir was, the most helpful ones are from Norse Mythology and Viking Sagas. The descriptions are vague and often contradict each other, but a few commonalities arose.

Sleipnir is described as gray, or gray-brown in the Poetic Edda and Heidreks saga. The Prose Edda says that he's "as white as milk". In Sigrdrifumal, a list of names of horses also includes Fjolsvith (which means "light/bright mane").

A 17th century Icelandic scholar by the name of Grímur Jónsson Thorkelin thought that Sleipnir was white with grey spots, because in Gesta Danorum, Sleipnir is said to have a "silvery breast". But then again, the author Saxo Grammaticus never actually saw a Norse god so we don't know how reliable his description is.


Does Sleipnir have wings?

To answer this question, we have to go all the way back to Norse mythology. Sleipnir, one of Odin's eight legged horse-deity sons, is a powerful deity and is seen as Odin's "flying steed," but he doesn't have wings. Though Sleipnir has the ability to cross great distances in a short amount of time, he isn't flying - he is galloping very fast. If you have ever seen a horse gallop quickly, you will notice that they seem airborne for brief moments while they are pushing off with their back legs and landing with their front legs. The same goes for Sleipnir; he seems like a flying steed because of the speed at which he travels.


How fast is Sleipnir?

Sleipnir is a mysterious horse, He is described as the best of all horses and has eight legs (the extra two are hidden beneath his coat). So, how fast is Sleipnir?

The Norse myths say that Sleipnir can gallop across the sea and that he can run on water without sinking. He is so fast that he can run around the earth in four strides, covering 48 miles with each stride. Despite having eight legs, Sleipnir never stumbles or slows down.


What happened to Sleipnir?

There are several competing theories as to what became of Odin's horse Sleipnir after the events of Ragnarök. One theory suggests that Loki, as a final act of revenge against his archenemy, chopped Sleipnir into pieces and scattered them across the nine worlds. Another says that Sleipnir was reincarnated as an elk or a salmon. There may be truth in either of these theories, but there is one lesser-known account that offers a different explanation for why Sleipnir was never heard from again. According to the Eddic poem Grímnismál, Odin descended into the underworld realm of Hel and stayed there for 10 years in order to recover wisdom he had lost when he sacrificed one of his eyes. While he was away, a mare who could speak with humans came to Sleipnir and begged him to go find his master. The horse set off to search for him and wandered through many worlds before finally reaching the underworld.


What does the horse symbolize in Norse mythology?

The horse symbolizes speed, grace, and ferocity in Norse mythology. Horses were the main form of transportation for the Viking people; they used them as pack animals to carry food, supplies, and weapons. They also used them to pull wagons that held their wooden homes on wheels.

Positively associated with travel and fertility, the horse was also thought to be a protective deity and a symbol of good fortune. As such, many of the gods' attendants were depicted as riding winged horses—Valkyrie angels who galloped through the sky ready to carry fallen warriors to Valhalla (the hall of slain warriors in Asgard). The Vikings believed that anyone who died in battle would go to Valhalla—and all soldiers would hope to be led there by a winged horse.



Overall, it seems that Sleipnir was indeed a very special figure in Norse mythology. His birth and creation are mysterious, yet powerful. He was able to accomplish tremendous feats as well as to guard one of the most important symbols and landmarks in all of Norse Mythology. Today, Sleipner remains an iconic figure in Norse mythology and continues to inspire generations of people all over the world.

1 comment

  • john

    I love all Norse gods!

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