Prsten s runovou abecedou

Runic Alphabet Ring
Runic Alphabet Ring
Runic Alphabet Ring
Runic Alphabet Ring
Runic Alphabet Ring
Runic Alphabet Ring
Runic Alphabet Ring
Runic Alphabet Ring
Runic Alphabet Ring
Runic Alphabet Ring
Runic Alphabet Ring
Runic Alphabet Ring
Regular price $49.99 Sale price $29.99
You Save 40% ($20.00 USD)
7 / 8mm
7 / 6mm
8 / 8mm
8 / 6mm
9 / 8mm
9 / 6mm
10 / 8mm
10 / 6mm
11 / 8mm
11 / 6mm
12 / 8mm
12 / 6mm
13 / 8mm
13 / 6mm

We deliver to United States. Place your order within NaNHrs NaNMins to ensure same-day processing and timely delivery.

Ponořte se do starověké moudrosti s tímto vikingským šperkem inspirovaným mystickými runovými abecedami. Před latinskou abecedou sloužily runy jako klíčové komunikační nástroje v několika germánských jazycích. Náš kus odráží skandinávský futhark, odvozený z počátečních šesti písmen abecedy: F, U, Þ, A, R a K.

Tento vikingský doplněk zapouzdřuje prvky staršího futharku, anglosaského futhorku a mladšího futharku. Tento pečlivě vytvořený symbol vikingské odolnosti a moudrosti poskytuje hmatatelné spojení s minulou dobou, což z něj činí neocenitelný doplněk pro každého milovníka historie, mytologie nebo starověké symboliky.

  Nerezová ocel
  Vysoce kvalitní materiály
  Celosvětová doprava

We ship worldwide

Epic Loot sets a priority on product quality. With over ten years of industry experience, we are happy to provide exceptional designs guaranteed that are made of top materials & built to the last detail and will make the difference in your daily life!

Processing Time:
Order verification, quality check & packaging. Usually Takes 1-3 days 

Delivery Times (standard shipping)

  • United States 7-15 Business days
  • Canada, Europe 7-15 Business days
  • Australia, New Zealand 12-25 Business days
  • Central & South America 12-25 Business days

Epic Loot promises customer service as solid and reliable as our products. Please don’t hesitate to contact at any time by emailing us:

Secure Payments: Epic Loot is SSL and AES-256 Bit secured. That means your payment information is kept anonymous, private, and safe.

Customer Reviews

Based on 28 reviews
Nellie H.

The item arrives and time and in perfect condition. The ring is of high quality and very sturdy

Hobart S.

Beautiful craftsmanship, I will be definitely buying more.

Dessie B.

The ring is very large. But on the quality of fire, I like it! Well. I will wear on my neck)

Stephane J.
super au top

très bonne équipe au top rien a redire c'est parfait

Federico G.

Ho ordinato diversi anelli e bracciali. Tutti meravigliosi! Grazie mille!