Viking Jewelry

Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $59.99 $39.99 On Sale
Designed for the courageous souls who never give up, this Viking jewelry piece captures the essence of resilience and inner strength. Perfect for those who understand the power of perseverance in the face of adversity. Wear this Viking necklace as...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $49.99 $38.99 On Sale
Hati, the mythic wolf, races through the night skies in pursuit of the moon. This Viking Necklace, a striking piece of Viking jewelry, embodies the primal freedom and relentless spirit of achievement. Drawing from the legends of Hati and Sköll,...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $79.99 $59.99 On Sale
In the heart of Norse mythology, Geri and Freki, Odin's wolves, symbolize both chaos and protection. This handcrafted Viking necklace features a heavy-duty stainless steel King Chain adorned with their fierce heads. Suspended from the chain is a large Mjolnir...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $29.99
the Valknut symbolizes the cycle of life and death. The Runic Valknut Ring, a stunning piece of Viking jewelry, embodies courage, strength, and resilience. Crafted with intricate detail, this Viking ring captures the spirit of the ancient warriors. Wear it...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $29.99
Fenrir embodies untamed power and mystique. Our limited-edition Fenrir Silver Gold Ring, a true masterpiece of Viking jewelry craftsmanship, captures this essence. Expertly crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this Viking ring reflects the unyielding strength of Norse culture. With...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $59.99 $47.99 On Sale
In the epic sagas of Norse mythology, wolves like Hati, Sköll, and Fenrir embody power and resilience. This Viking jewelry piece, a robust double-chain steel bracelet, reflects these legendary traits. The unique, handcrafted design features a knotwork wolf's head clasp,...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $59.99 $37.99 On Sale
Yggdrasil, the World Tree, connects all realms. Our limited-edition Decorated Yggdrasil Ring, a stunning piece of Viking jewelry, captures this majestic symbol with intricate craftsmanship. Made from exceptional materials, this Viking ring represents timeless Viking history and resilience. Wear it...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $59.99 $34.99 On Sale
Ponořte se do mystiky severské mytologie s tímto vikinským šperkem, vikinským prstenem na počest Huginna a Muninna. Tento nádherně navržený kousek, inspirovaný Odinovými havrany, odráží jejich loajalitu a službu svému pánovi. Vyzařovali myšlenku a paměť, okřídleli se přes Midgard a...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $49.99 $24.99 On Sale
Connect with Viking mythology through the iconic symbolism of Máni's Blessing Ring. This distinguished band is feature with a crescent moon, paying homage to Máni, the lunar deity in ancient Norse legends. Believed to illuminate the darkness with sacred light...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $54.99 $39.99 On Sale
In Norse mythology, Odin, or Hrafnaguð - the Raven God, encompasses vital life aspects. Respected as a symbol of wisdom, healing, and death, his influence extends into royalty, gallows, battle, poetry, sorcery, and the runes. Intricately crafted Viking jewelry and...
Inspired by Norse mythology, this unique Jormungandr, or Midgard Serpent, necklace is a standout piece in Viking jewelry. Crafted from resilient stainless steel, it reflects the fabled creature's power and the prophesied Ragnarok, illustrating life's unpredictability. This Viking necklace doesn't...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $34.99 $24.99 On Sale
Odin, neustále doprovázený svými znalými havrany, měl pro Vikingy zvláštní význam a inspiroval ikonické vikingské šperky. Na svých cestách Vikingové často nosili havrana, který se zrcadlil v návrzích vikingských náhrdelníků. Jako havran stoupající pět tisíc stop, aby hledal zemi, jejich...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $69.99 $34.99 On Sale
Dopřejte své vášni pro severskou tradici s našimi VEGVISIR RING NORDIC CARVINGS, vznešeným vikingským šperkem. Tento vikingský prsten, dokonale detailní a mistrovsky vyřezávaný, je dokonalým doplňkem sbírky každého nadšence. Inspirováno mocným symbolem Vegvisira, vzdává hold bohatému odkazu Vikingů. Nenoste jen...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $79.99 $59.99 On Sale
Zlatý královský řetízek, nádherný kus vikingských šperků, ztělesňuje divokého ducha Úlfhéðnara, Odinových uctívaných válečníků. Jako pocta vikingskému řetězu zachycuje syrovost jejich bojového oděvu z vlčí kůže. Tento jedinečný designový znak severské tradice je přesvědčivou volbou pro nadšence vikingské kultury. Jeho...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $59.99 $29.99 On Sale
Thorova zbraň, Mjöllnir, nebyla obyčejné kladivo. Často to bylo slyšet jako bouchnutí hromu a po vhození se mu to vrátilo do ruky. Tato zbraň inspirovaná bleskem nebyla jen hlavní oporou boha hromu; to byl také ikonický emblém, často viděný ve...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $34.99
V dávných dobách Vikingové, proslulí svými runovými abecedami, šifrovali svá tajemství do zdobených šperků. Vikingské prsteny, svědectví o jejich řemeslné zručnosti, byly často vyleptány runami, které proplétaly mystické se světským. Tato skrytá poselství, šeptající příběhy o jejich kultuře a tradici,...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $79.99 $59.99 On Sale
Jako hravý trik Loki ustřihl Sifiny zlaté vlasy a zažehl Thorův hněv. Aby Loki napravil svou chybu, vydal se do Svartalfheimu, srdce trpasličího řemesla. Tamní trpaslíci nejen pro Sif předali nové zámky, krásou soupeřili s těmi ztracenými, ale také vyráběli...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $59.99 $39.99 On Sale
Zirkonový prsten Dračího drápu je odvážným prohlášením, které spojuje půvab šperků se syrovostí vikingské estetiky. Jeho složitý design obsahuje třpytivé zirkonové kameny, které evokují sofistikovanost a odvahu. Znak dračího drápu, inspirovaný vikingskými prsteny, odráží odvážného ducha. S tímto jedinečným doplňkem...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $79.99 $49.99 On Sale
Mjolnir, mocné Thorovo kladivo ze severské legendy, symbol hromu a síly vyrovnávající hory, je nyní zvěčněno v našich nádherných vikingských špercích. Tento náhrdelník Thor's Hammer, uctívaný keltský talisman, slibuje svému nositeli dotek Thorovy síly a spojuje starodávnou víru s pozoruhodnou...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $69.99 $59.99 On Sale
Crafted meticulously, the Huge Dragon Bracelet is a masterpiece of Viking Jewelry, echoing adventure, wisdom, and freedom. Steeped in rich Viking symbolism, its impeccable design captures the essence of these legendary warriors. Embrace your inner dragon with this detailed Viking...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $49.99 $34.99 On Sale
Throughout Norse mythology, Jörmungandr, the World Serpent, symbolizes cosmic power, encircling Earth and predicting Ragnarök with its tail-hold. This Viking-inspired necklace also features the Valknut, marking fallen warriors bound for Odin's Valhalla. A testament to mythic strength and honor, this...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $79.99 $59.99 On Sale
Během Midgardova zrodu vytvořil Odin první vlky, Geri a Freki, jako společníky. Jejich jména, synonyma pro „chamtivý“ a „hltavý“, symbolizovala jejich prvotní hlad. Když prošli Midgardem, stali se předky všech vlků. Legenda našeptává, že Vikingové, Ódinovy ​​lidské děti, vykovali složité...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $39.99 $31.99 On Sale
Immerse yourself in the enigmatic world of Viking jewelry with this captivating ring, intricately engraved with ancient runic symbols. Each sacred character, meticulously etched into the metal, is believed to hold a distinct power. More than a mere accessory, this...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $35.99 $24.99 On Sale
Introducing our exclusive Fenrir Wolf Paracord Bracelet, a masterpiece of Viking-inspired jewelry. This striking Viking bracelet seamlessly blends ancient Viking aesthetics with modern durability. Crafted with utmost precision and quality, each detail pays homage to the strength and resilience of...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $49.99 $38.99 On Sale
In the realm of Norse legends, the Vegvisir serves as a guiding light amidst life's storms. This Viking necklace, adorned with the sacred symbol and paired with the Valknut, represents the unyielding spirit of those who forge their own path....

Epic Loot's Enthralling Viking Jewelry Collection

As purveyors of exceptional Viking and Norse jewelry designs, we at Epic Loot are excited to showcase our captivating Viking jewelry collection. Drawing inspiration from a wealth of historical sources, our handcrafted Viking jewelry pieces will transport you back to the Viking Age, when Norse gods like Thor and Odin ruled the world.

Delving into Viking History and Norse Mythology

Our Viking jewelry is inspired by the rich history and mythology of the Vikings, who lived in Scandinavia and Europe during the Viking Age. We've immersed ourselves in the sagas, Eddas, and academic research to provide unique pieces that truly represent the authentic Viking culture.

Unearthing Viking Jewelry Artifacts

Archaeologists have discovered a wealth of Viking jewelry artifacts, including rings, bracelets, and necklaces, in locations such as Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Iceland. These precious metal artifacts provide us with valuable insights into the Vikings' daily lives, beliefs, and customs.

Runestones and Inscriptions: Viking Symbols of Power

Viking symbols, often found on runestones and inscriptions, offer an intriguing glimpse into the world of the Vikings. We've studied these symbols and incorporated them into our designs, ensuring our Viking jewelry is both historically accurate and visually stunning.

The Divine Influence: Norse Gods in Viking Jewelry

Our collection features designs inspired by the Norse gods, such as Thor's hammer and Odin's ravens, Huginn and Muninn. These powerful symbols were worn by the Vikings for protection and as a testament to their faith in the gods.

Tracing the Vikings' Footsteps: Where They Left Their Mark

The Vikings left an indelible mark on the world through their travels and conquests. From Scandinavia to the British Isles, France, and even as far as North America, the Vikings lived, traded, and established settlements. Their influence can still be seen today in the art, architecture, and languages of the regions they visited, as well as in the captivating stories passed down through generations.

Celebrating the Art of Craftsmanship

We take pride in our handcrafted Viking jewelry, using only the finest precious metals such as silver and gold to create exquisite pieces that honor the craftsmanship of the Viking Age. Each piece tells a story of the Vikings who once ruled the land.

Rings of Power: Viking Rings for Warriors and Kings

Our Viking rings, inspired by the designs of the Viking Age, are perfect for those who seek to channel the spirit of the legendary warriors and kings. With symbols like Thor's hammer and the Valknut, these rings serve as a powerful reminder of the Vikings' strength and courage.

Bracelets: Embodying the Spirit of the Viking Warrior

Viking bracelets, often adorned with intricate designs and symbols, were worn by the Vikings as a symbol of strength and courage. Our collection features a range of unique bracelets that embody the spirit of the Viking warrior.

Necklaces: A Connection to the Norse Gods

Viking necklaces were worn to symbolize a connection to the Norse gods, offering protection and guidance in life and battle. Our necklaces of course feature powerful symbols like the Helm of Awe and the Tree of Life, Yggdrasil, to help you forge your own connection with the gods.

Brooches: Practical Elegance in Viking Jewelry

Brooches were an essential part of Viking life, serving both practical and decorative purposes. Our collection of brooches showcases the intricate designs and craftsmanship that characterized the Viking Age.

The Art of Metal: Bronze, Silver, and Gold in Viking Jewelry

Viking jewelry was crafted from various precious metals, such as bronze, silver, and gold. We've incorporated these metals into our designs, ensuring that our Viking jewelry reflects the beauty and artistry of the original pieces.

The World of Viking Symbols: A Journey Through Norse Mythology

Our collection of Viking jewelry showcases a diverse array of symbols, each with its own unique story rooted in Norse mythology. Explore our collections to discover the rich tapestry of legends and tales that have captivated generations.

The Norse Compass (Vegvisir) Collection: Guiding the Way

The Vegvisir, or Norse compass, was believed to help Vikings navigate through storms and rough seas. Our Vegvisir collection features stunning pieces that serve as a reminder to always find your way, no matter the challenges you face.

Helm of Awe (Aegishjalmur) Collection: Invoking Protection and Courage

The Aegishjalmur, or Helm of Awe, is a powerful symbol believed to offer protection and instill courage in its wearer. Our Aegishjalmur collection showcases this potent symbol, allowing you to harness its power in your own life.

Norse Alphabet (Runes) Collection: Unlocking Ancient Wisdom

Runes, the Norse alphabet, were used for divination, communication, and protection. Our Runes collection features intricate designs incorporating these ancient symbols, connecting you to the wisdom of the Viking Age.

World Serpent (Jormungandr) Collection: Embracing the Cycle of Life

Jormungandr, the World Serpent, represents the cyclical nature of life and the interconnectedness of all things. Our Jormungandr collection captures the essence of this powerful mythological creature, symbolizing the eternal cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

Knot of Slain (Valknut) Collection: Honoring Fallen Warriors

The Valknut, or Knot of Slain, is a symbol of the connection between the living and the afterlife. Our Valknut collection pays tribute to the fallen warriors who bravely fought alongside the Norse gods.

Thor's Hammer (Mjolnir) Collection: Wielding the Power of the Thunder God

Mjolnir, Thor's legendary hammer, is a symbol of strength, protection, and courage. Our Thor's Hammer collection captures the essence of this mighty weapon, empowering you to face life's challenges with the spirit of the Thunder God.

The Triple Horn of Odin Collection: A Tribute to the All-Father

The Triple Horn of Odin represents wisdom, poetry, and inspiration. Our collection features elegant designs that pay homage to the All-Father, inviting you to tap into your own creativity and insight.

Trinity Knot (Triquetra) Collection: The Power of Three

The Triquetra, or Trinity Knot, symbolizes the interconnectedness of the three realms: earth, sea, and sky. Our Trinity Knot collection captures the beauty and power of this ancient symbol, celebrating the harmony of the natural world.

Dragons and Serpents Collection: Embracing the Spirit of Transformation

Dragons and serpents hold a special place in Viking mythology, representing transformation, wisdom, and power. Our Dragons collection features intricate designs that embody the spirit of these legendary creatures, inspiring you to embrace change and growth.

Odin's Ravens (Huginn and Muninn) Collection: Messengers of the All-Father

Huginn and Muninn, Odin's ravens, were believed to bring him information from across the world. Our Ravens collection celebrates these mythical birds, symbolizing the quest for knowledge and the wisdom of the All-Father.

Odin's Spear (Gungnir), Odin's Wolves (Geri and Freki) Collection: Symbols of the All-Father's Might

Gungnir, Odin's spear, and his wolves, Geri and Freki, are symbols of the All-Father's might and power. Our collection features striking designs that pay tribute to these powerful symbols, allowing you to channel the strength and determination of the mighty Odin.

The Monstrous Wolf (Fenrir) Collection: Taming the Untamable

Fenrir, the monstrous wolf, represents the uncontrollable forces of nature and the struggle to overcome them. Our Fenrir collection captures the raw power and ferocity of this legendary creature, inspiring you to face your fears and conquer adversity.

Tree of Life (Yggdrasil) Collection: Embracing the Connection of All Things

Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life, symbolizes the interconnectedness of all living beings and the universe. Our Yggdrasil collection features designs that honor this sacred tree, inviting you to celebrate the unity and harmony of the world around us.

Viking Longship (Drakkar) Collection: Sailing the Seas of Adventure

The Drakkar, or Viking longship, was a symbol of exploration, adventure, and conquest. Our Drakkar collection pays tribute to these impressive vessels, inspiring you to set sail on your own journey of discovery.

The Viking Ultimate Weapon (Axe) Collection: Wielding the Power of the Warrior

The Viking axe was a powerful weapon used in battle and everyday life. Our Axe collection features designs inspired by these mighty tools, allowing you to harness the spirit of the Viking warrior in your daily life.

Norse Superhumans (Berserker) Collection: Unleashing Your Inner Warrior

Berserkers, legendary Norse superhumans, were known for their ferocity and strength in battle. Our Berserker collection captures the essence of these fearsome warriors, encouraging you to embrace your inner strength and resilience.

Eight-Legged Horse (Sleipnir) Collection: Riding the Winds of Change

Sleipnir, Odin's eight-legged horse, was a symbol of speed, agility, and adaptability. Our Sleipnir collection features designs that celebrate this extraordinary creature, inspiring you to navigate the ever-changing landscape of life with grace and courage.

Ancient Celtic Symbol (Triskele) Collection: Embracing the Power of Three

The Triskele, an ancient Celtic symbol, represents the power of three and the interconnectedness of life, death, and rebirth. Our Triskele collection captures the beauty and mystique of this symbol, inviting you to explore the depths of your own spiritual journey.

Shipping and Quality: Bringing Our Viking Jewelry to the World

We take great pride in shipping our handcrafted Viking jewelry to customers all over the world. With a focus on quality, authenticity, and exceptional customer service, we strive to ensure that every piece in our collection meets the highest standards.

Embark on Your Own Viking Adventure with Epic Loot

Discover the fascinating world of the Vikings and Norse mythology through our captivating Viking jewelry collection. With a wide range of unique pieces inspired by the rich heritage and history of the Viking Age, Epic Loot invites you to embrace the spirit of these legendary warriors and embark on your own epic adventure.

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  • Epic Loot Shop Design jewelry and accessories bringing unique pieces you won't find anywhere! having our own factory and cooperation with professional designers giving us the ability to provide unique items that impact the lives of so many individuals all over the world.