Viking Pendant

Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $49.99 $37.99 On Sale
From the depths of Norse myth, the Midgard Serpent rises. Jörmungandr, the mighty sea snake that encircles the world, is a symbol of the primal forces that shape our reality. This Viking pendant, with its intricate depiction of the serpent...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $79.99 $59.99 On Sale
From the halls of Valhalla, the skull and hammer of Thor speak of the warrior's eternal glory. This Viking necklace, with its bold combination of these two potent symbols, is a declaration of fearlessness in the face of death and...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $29.99
Braňte se silou severských legend s tímto odvážným vikingským šperkem Viking Shield Helm of Awe Necklace. Detailní přívěsek obsahuje ikonický symbol runy Helm of Awe ve středu impozantního designu vikingského štítu. Ve staré severské mytologii Helm of Awe poskytoval ochranu...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $51.99 $37.99 On Sale
Carry the protection of the gods with you always with this Helm of Awe Rune Viking Necklace. The Helm of Awe, a powerful symbol of defense against all forms of danger, is encircled by the sacred runes of the Elder...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $119.99
Carry the protection of the gods with you always with this Helm of Awe Rune Viking Pendant. The Helm of Awe, a powerful symbol of defense against all forms of danger, is encircled by the sacred runes of the Elder...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $79.99 $59.99 On Sale
Uctívejte jednoho z nejlegendárnějších vlků norské tradice s tímto mystickým vikingským šperkem Fenrir Wolf Runic přívěskem. Detailní přívěsek vlka kombinuje vyrytý obraz Fenrira se starověkými vikingskými runami. Ve staroseverských mýtech bylo Fenrirovi předpovězeno, že během Ragnaroku pohltí krále bohů. Náš...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $79.99 $59.99 On Sale
Přijměte ducha vlka a legendu o kladivu s tímto odvážným vikingským řetízkem na šperky s vlčími hlavami a přívěskem Mjolnir. Mohutný královský řetízek vede ke zdobeným vyřezávaným vlčím hlavám svírajícím výrazný přívěsek Mjolnir - ikonické kladivo ze severské mytologie. Motivy...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $39.99
Ukažte surovou sílu a sílu s tímto odvážným náhrdelníkem Viking Jewelry Nordic Hammer. Na masivním přívěsku je ikonický motiv kladiva spojený s legendárním bohem hromu v severských legendách. Naše podrobná verze zapouzdřuje mocnou podstatu tohoto starověkého symbolu. Díky svému starému,...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $49.99 $36.99 On Sale
In Norse mythology, the raven was a sacred bird, the eyes and ears of Odin in the mortal world. This Viking pendant, with its exquisitely detailed depiction of a raven in flight, is a powerful symbol of wisdom, insight, and...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $29.99
 Severský symbol často zastoupený v řezbách a vzorech spojených s posmrtným životem je Valknot často považován za symbol všemocného boha Odina. Znamená to také uzel zabitého. V severské mytologii toto znamení používají válečníci jako symbol jejich připravenosti dát svůj život...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $29.99
Unlock the secrets of the Norse cosmos with this Viking Nordic Rune Pendant, a talisman of ancient wisdom and mystical power. At its center, the Vegvisir, the legendary Viking compass, points the way through the storms of life. Surrounding this...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $49.99 $34.99 On Sale
Invoke the protection of Odin with this powerful Odin's Wolves Viking Necklace. The pendant, featuring two intricately detailed wolf heads, represents Geri and Freki, Odin's faithful companions. In Norse mythology, these wolves were more than just mere animals; they were...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $59.99 $39.99 On Sale
Unleash your inner warrior with this bold Iron Fist Viking Pendant. The pendant, a meticulously crafted representation of a clenched fist, is a symbol of strength, determination, and the unyielding spirit of the Viking warrior. Forged from robust iron, this...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $74.99 $54.99 On Sale
Sdílejte mystiku starověkých legend s tímto detailním náhrdelníkem z vikingských šperků Odin's Spear Gungnir. Přívěsek s kopím, inspirovaný mýtickými příběhy, představuje impozantní zbraň ztělesňující sílu a čarodějnictví. Tento masivní přívěsek obsahuje zdobené runové písmo na hrotu kopí, které odkazuje na...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $74.99 $54.99 On Sale
Gungnir (vyslovováno „GUNG-neer“) bylo oštěpem, které bůh Odin nosil s sebou. Aby takové kopí nesl sám Odin, muselo to být mimořádné a skutečně tomu tak bylo. Vyráběli ho trpaslíci s runami vyřezanými na jeho hrotu se záměrem zvýšit svůj cíl...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $54.99 $39.99 On Sale
Find your way with the guidance of the Norse gods with this inspiring Vegvisir Viking Necklace. The pendant, featuring the sacred Vegvisir symbol surrounded by runic inscriptions, is a powerful talisman of protection and direction. In Norse tradition, the Vegvisir,...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $79.99 $59.99 On Sale
In the halls of Valhalla, the wolf reigns supreme. This Viking necklace, a testament to the primal power of these legendary beasts, features a chunky bronze chain leading to intricately engraved wolf head pendants. In Norse lore, wolves were revered...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $29.99
Seek wisdom with the guidance of Odin's ravens with this captivating Raven Viking Necklace. The pendant, an intricately engraved depiction of a raven in flight, is a symbol of the mysterious connection between the realm of gods and the world...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $49.99 $34.99 On Sale
Make a bold statement with the imposing style of the Viking Jewelry Thor's Hammer Necklace. This substantial pendant features the iconic hammer motif associated with the fabled god of thunder. Rhodium plating gives the textured hammer a polished, refined look....
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $49.99 $29.99 On Sale
Carry the blessing of Odin with you always with this remarkable Odin's Companions Viking Necklace. This newly forged piece features four of Odin's most loyal companions: the wolves Geri and Freki, and the ravens Huginn and Muninn. In Norse mythology,...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $89.99 $69.99 On Sale
Legenda Channel Norse s tímto náhrdelníkem Viking Jewelry. Zlatý královský řetízek drží podrobný amulet Mjolnir, mýtické Thorovo kladivo. Tento přívěsek lemovaný divokými tygřími hlavami s pronikavýma modrýma očima vyzařuje ducha bojovníka. Složité uzlové řezby na Mjolniru představují ochranu a sílu....
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $74.99 $54.99 On Sale
Embrace the power and mystique of Norse mythology with the King Chain Fenrir Holding Mjolnir Pendant. This striking Viking necklace features the mighty Fenrir, the legendary wolf, holding the revered Mjolnir pendant, Thor's hammer. Crafted with exquisite detail, this piece...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $49.99 $39.99 On Sale
Carry the strength of the Viking warrior with you always with this impressive Norse Sword Viking Necklace. The pendant, a meticulously crafted representation of a Norse sword, is a symbol of the courage, honor, and skill of the Viking fighter....
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $79.99 $59.99 On Sale
Invoke the power of Thor and the wisdom of the wolf with this striking Wolf Mjolnir Viking Necklace. The centerpiece of this necklace is a beautifully crafted Mjolnir pendant, held firmly in the jaws of two snarling wolf heads. The...
Translation missing: cs.products.product.regular_price $29.99
Probuďte svého vnitřního vlka s tímto náhrdelníkem Viking Jewelry. Rytý přívěsek Fenrir představuje legendárního severského vlka, vepsaného runou Áss pro moudrost a pravou povahu. Tento smysluplný design symbolizuje využití prapůvodních instinktů a síly. Tento náhrdelník, vyrobený z nerezové oceli a...

Viking Pendants Evoking Norse Lore

In ancient Norse society, ornate pendants held symbolic meaning. Today, Viking jewelry enthusiasts wear bold historic-inspired pendants to connect with that age of heroes. Viking-style pendants feature detailed motifs that link the wearer to Norse mythology and virtues.

Pendant Significance in Viking Culture

Intricate pendants were deeply meaningful in the Viking Age. Noble Vikings wore emblematic gold and silver pendants as displays of faith. Warriors donned amulets of Mjölnir hammers and runes to invoke Thor’s protection.

Pendant designs incorporated mythological animals like Odin’s wolves and ravens. Intricate knot work symbolized concepts like courage and eternity. Each pendant contained layers of meaning in its materials, symbols and craftsmanship.

Master artisans meticulously shaped metal and stone into storytelling motifs. Wearing pendants allowed Vikings to display their connection to lore. The emblems held power and significance.

Modern Viking-Inspired Pendants

Today, jewelry makers create striking pendants that bring historic Viking motifs to life in wearable form. From Mjölnir hammers to Yggdrasil trees, these necklaces let individuals tap into Norse style.

Notable Viking Pendant Designs

Odin's Spear Pendant - This pendant features a spear tip embellished with Norse knotwork and an etched Vegvisir compass rune symbolizing guidance.

Thor's Hammer Mjölnir Pendant - A bold angular Mjölnir amulet engraved with Viking scrollwork dangles from rich black and silver chains in this ornate pendant.

Jormungandr Serpent Pendant - An intricately coiled and scaled serpent wraps around a worn stone depicting the mythical Midgard Serpent Jormungandr.

Vegvisir Rune Pendant - A rounded compass-like Vegvisir rune symbol thought to offer protection adorns this substantial pendant.

Quality Craftsmanship

Epic Loot's pendants contain quality durable materials honoring the Viking Age. The pendants are lightweight for comfortable wear.

Meticulous engraving and stone settings reflect attention to detail. The substantial feel of each pendant channels the aura of Norse glory and adventure. Wearing these mythic symbols connects one to epic tales.

The Allure of Symbolic Meaning

For many today, these Viking pendants represent a link to storied Norse lore. The emblematic amulets spark imaginings of myths and quests. They allow individuals to tap into historic Nordic meaning.

Beyond mere ornamentation, Viking pendants tell profound tales of the cosmos. Intricate textures give intrigue to beasts and runic script. By donning these storied symbols, wearers feel aligned with the legendary Viking spirit.

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